In a video that filmmaker Tigmanshu Dhulia shared on Twitter, Actor Mahie Gill, alongwith the cast and crew members of a web series titled Fixer, are seen claiming that they were attacked by a group of men on sets and the cops allegedly refused to help them. Tigmanshu is also part of the web series. Sharing the video, Tigmanshu tweeted, “I was there when it happened on the sets of fixer at Mira road drunk goons thrashed our unit Santosh thundiyal cameraman got six stitches. Pathetic.” Dhulia told IANS in a statement, “Four to five drunk men walked in with sticks and started beating up crew members. At first I thought people are just having fun, but soon after a few seconds I realised that it was serious. I saw our cameraman bleeding, director on the ground... It was mayhem.” The filmmaker conjectured the men were from a rival group who also control the area, though the production had proper permission and had paid the location fee. He pointed out the director of photography h...
Bigg Boss 12 contestant Deepak Thakur is in legal trouble after his co-contestant Jasleen Matharu filed a police complaint against him for making a distasteful Tiktok video on her. In the said video, reportedly, a kid is seen with Deepak Thakur and says he wanted to go to Bigg Boss. When Deepak asks him what he would do there, the kid says---Main khaunga, peeunga, ash kaunga aur Jasleen ke saath swimming pool mein nahaunga. Deepak replies to the kid saying--waah, kya uttam vichaar hain aapke. Jasleen told Telly Masala in an interview that apart from the distasteful video, she was equally shocked by the comments it invited where trolls slut-shamed her and made derogatory remarks against her. The reality TV star along with her father went to the Oshiwara police station to file the police complaint against Deepak. The police officer called the singer and he profusely apologised saying he didn't do it intentionally. He was also subsequently made to issue an apology. Deepak po...