Actor Priyanka Chopra is presently in big apple and she or he has been noticed disbursement some quality family time within the manhattan. The actor attended a Jonas Brothers concert on Fri and on Sabbatum evening, she was seen disbursement her weekend with kinswoman Ava thespian. Priyanka indulged during a dance session with the small one. curiously, she selected to form Ava dance on a screenland variety. each Priyanka and Ava danced to the tunes of “Sona Sona” from the Amitabh Bachchan starrer Major Saab. By the tip of the video, Priyanka and Ava poor into laughter. She shared the video on Instagram and captioned it as, “Special evening with #AvaDrew ”
Recently, Priyanka shot for Instyle magazine. She additionally shot for a funny video within which she was seen giving 5 life tips. “5 life lessons with yours really (I’m thus funny) haha,” she wrote aboard the video.
On the work front, Nick Jonas, along side brothers Joe Jonas and Kevin Jonas, can presently begin the ‘Happiness Begins’ tour. Nick Jonas had earlier shared on Instagram, “WE’RE occurring TOUR! i'm thus excited for this North yankee run. we tend to area unit already laborious at work fashioning the show, and ensuring it’s an evening to recollect. What show area unit you coming back to?”
Earlier this year, Jonas Brother discharged their movie Chasing Happiness. The film is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
On the opposite hand, Priyanka Chopra, WHO was last seen in Isn’t It Romantic, has bound up the shooting of her screenland film The Sky Is Pink. At the launch bash, she spoke concerning why she selected to try to to the Shonali Satyendra N. Bose directorial over the opposite screenland films that came her method.
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