Variety talked to the writing duo that has spent over a decade trying to close out this chapter of the MCU, Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus, and pressed them on all the burning questions raised in “Avenger Endgame.”
tephen McFeely: We were nervous at that moment because it was such a big project. It would take up so much of our lives and it would be the biggest puzzle that we ever would put together as writers. That was scary and we we said okay, we should probably do scary things and if successful, it might be really amazing.
Christopher Markus: We knew this would never come around again. For someone to offer you the culmination of this big of an undertaking, that’s never going to happen again. And as consuming and sometimes painful as it was over the past four and a half years that we’ve been working on it, it will never happen again. To walk away from it would seem like something that you’re really going to kick yourself about later.
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