Kamali Moorthy, the nine-year-old skateboarding sensation from Tamil Nadu, is on cloud nine these days. A short film, based on Kamali and her mother's life, has been shortlisted for the 2020 Academy Awards.
The film, which is titled Kamali, revolves around the story of Kamali's single mother Suganth. It talks about her struggle of raising her daughter in a traditional society, while helping her become skateboarding champion.
The 24-minute short film is directed by filmmaker Sasha Rainbow, who is from New Zealand. The film also won the Best Documentary at the Atlanta Film Festival in April.
When Suganthi (Kamali's mother) sees her children, she reflects on her childhood and how she could not do the things she wished to do because of the society. Today, she wants Kamali to taste the freedom she did not have," Aine Edwards, Kamali's mentor told The News Minute.
"The crew came and shot the film over six weeks. After it was edited, they even sent it to the Mumbai International Short Film Festival in December 2018, where it won Best Director Award," Aine told the website.
Kamali came into limelight when she caught the eye of Tony Hawk, a renowned skateboarder. He shared a picture of her skateboarding in a frock, without wearing any shoes. The picture Bollywood full movie download went viral after which Kamali and her mother gained recognition.
Talking to the website, Kamali's mother Suganthi said, "I think this award is the biggest achievement of my life, only after my children, of course."
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