Being slammed for promoting sexism, De De Pyaar De has been receiving flak online. Tabu has now defended the movie, and said that the movie is not sexist, adding that she loves doing masala films. Ajay Devgn plays a 50-year-old man who falls in love with a girl half his age. Tabu plays his ex-wife while Rakul Preet essays the role of the young lover. Directed by Akiv Ali, De De Pyaar De scheduled to hit the big screens on May 17
“Akiv [Ali, director] has offered an interesting take on relationships. Once you see it in the context of the film and not just the trailer, things become a lot clearer. The movie hasn’t been made with an intention to be sexist. In fact, the female characters in the film are strong; they take a stand and make their own decisions. So I’d like people to watch the movie and then comment.
“I enjoy doing good work. I don’t discriminate between films. I love doing masala films with its song-and-dance routine, but I won’t go out of my way and approach a director for it,” she added.
”It’s motivating when scripts are written for you. It pushes you as an artiste to stay true to the faith that the person has shown in you. De De Pyaar De talks about divorce, children affected by separation, a young girl’s attraction to an older man and her conflict with his past. Bollywood films have always portrayed separation in a serious manner, but we have offered a light take on it,” she added.
“Akiv [Ali, director] has offered an interesting take on relationships. Once you see it in the context of the film and not just the trailer, things become a lot clearer. The movie hasn’t been made with an intention to be sexist. In fact, the female characters in the film are strong; they take a stand and make their own decisions. So I’d like people to watch the movie and then comment.
“I enjoy doing good work. I don’t discriminate between films. I love doing masala films with its song-and-dance routine, but I won’t go out of my way and approach a director for it,” she added.
”It’s motivating when scripts are written for you. It pushes you as an artiste to stay true to the faith that the person has shown in you. De De Pyaar De talks about divorce, children affected by separation, a young girl’s attraction to an older man and her conflict with his past. Bollywood films have always portrayed separation in a serious manner, but we have offered a light take on it,” she added.
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