Tanushree Dutta has issued a statement saying that Nana Patekar has not been issued a clean chit by the police. There has been much buzz lately, that Nana Patekar has been let off by the police as no eyewitness could not support Tanushree Dutta's accusations.
She said, "There is a false rumor floating in the Media that Nana Patekar has been given clean chit by Police in a harassment case. I wish to clarify that the Mumbai police have given no such statement and that the investigation on the matter is still ongoing as confirmed by my advocate Nitin Satpute and the Mumbai Police.
She further stated, "We have come to know that Nana Patekars public relations team is responsible for spreading this false rumor because the accused in harassment cases are not getting any work in the industry and this is their attempt at damage control and fixing the public image."
Last year Tanushree had accused Nana Patekar of behaving inappropriately with her on the sets of her film Horn Ok Pleassss. She said that he tried to forcefully introduce intimate steps into the choreography of a special song in the film. She said that choreographer Ganesh Acharya had stepped aside 'obediently' when Nana tried to do this. Tanushree had walked out of the film and Rakhi Sawant replaced her in the song.
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