Arjun Kapoor, who made his Bollywood debut with Ishaqzaade (2012), is all set for the release of his upcoming film India's Most Wanted. Arjun, who is essaying the character of Prabhat Kapoor (an Intelligence Officer) in the film, will head a four-member team to hunt a deadly terrorist in it, a character rumoured to be based on Yasin Bhatkal.
However, if you have noticed, the crime thriller which stars Arjun in the leading role, does not have a 'heroine'. There is a reason why the makers did not cast an actress in the film.
During a press conference of India's Most Wanted in New Delhi, Arjun Kapoor was asked about the absence of a heroine in the film.
To which, Arjun replied, "Heroine ki baat karein to, Raj sir [director Raj Kumar Gupta] ne jab research ki to pata chala ki unfortunately, this particular mission did not have any female officers from the IB [Intelligence Bureau] department. So therefore, there is no female protagonist in the film (When the director started his research, we got to know that this mission did not have any female officers from the IB department.)"
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