The Wink girl Priya Varrier is betting all her hopes on her debut Bollywood film Sridevi Bungalow, which courted controversy after the release of the first trailer. The actress, who shot to fame because of a short clip from the Malayalam film Oru Adaar Love, doesn't seem to be disappointed by the abysmal performance of the film.
Priya is hopeful that Sridevi Bungalow would be a watershed moment in her acting career. News18 quoted the actress as saying, "Sridevi Bungalow is my debut in Bollywood. There have been some controversies around it but eventually, it will come out as a good film. I got a lot of positive feedback from the second trailer."
As the film is gearing up for release, the actress has already started filming for her next project called Love Hacker, which is about cyber crimes.
Her busy schedule does make a dent on her academics as Priya has one more year to get her Bachelor's degree in commerce. Priya revealed that her teachers want her to continue her studies since they feel she will do good in academics than acting.She said, "They're fair enough on their part but I want to act."
Directed by Prashanth Mambully, Sridevi Bungalow is a crime thriller, which has Priyanshu Chatterjee, Aseem Ali Khan and Mukesh Rishi in lead roles.
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